Mastering the Makro Racer – 15


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Mastering the Makro Racer – 15

Clive James Clynick is the author of 16 previous detecting book titles and numerous articles. In this detailed and informative book he shares his 35–plus years of treasure hunting experience and outlines some proven methods for getting results with the Makro Racer Metal Detector. Topics include:

14 kHz Gold Hunting
Tuning for Performance
Understanding and Avoiding False Signals
Recognizing Common Trash items
Improving Your Accuracy with the “In Keeping” Method
Getting the Most from the Racer’s Target Information Array
Understanding “Out of Range” Responses
Deep Silver Settings and Methods
The Racer in Iron
Beach and Inland Applications
-and much more…
100 pages. 8.5 X 5.5 Softbound ($16.95)